AMOK FIFTH DISPATCH: Sourcebook of Extreme Information
Edited by Stuart Swezey
Exhaustively researched, entertainingly annotated and provocatively illustrated guide to over two thousand of the most bizarre, controversial and thought-provoking books in print.
A huge reference book surveying the outer fringes of the Information Age, the Amok Fifth Dispatch presents in one volume the gauntlet of extreme literature available from hundreds of publishers worldwide - with a listing of each title accompanied by a description of the book.
The Amok Fifth Dispatch is arranged according to its own ground-breaking taxonomy, from “Control” (analysis of power structure from the trilateral Commission to the American Psychiatric Assn.) to “Mayhem” (true crime, disasters, forensic medicine) to “Neuropolitics” (psychedelia, parapsychology, brain chemistry) to “Orgone” (sexuality, the body, and the life -force) to ”Scratch 'n' Sniff” (pop culture & kitsch) and much more.
This huge sourcebook will no doubt bring to your attention book titles that you never knew existed. Heavily ILLUSTRATED with hundreds of 'Mind-Blowing' black and white images - no one comes away unscathed... The ultimate conversation starter/ coffee table book !!
Control Section: Anarchy, Baudrillard, Chomsky, Foucault, Situationists, Zapatista, Zion etc.
Exotica Section: Africa, Sir Richard Burton, Cargo Cults, Isabelle Eberhardt, Maya etc.
Mayhem Section: Cannibalism, Forensic Pathology, Serial Killers, True Crime etc.
Natas Section: Alchemy, Crowley, Gnosis, Kabbalah, LaVey, Spare, Thule, Vatican, Voodoo etc.
Neuropolitics Section: Burroughs, Dreams, Drugs, Leary, Sufi, R.A. Wilson etc.
Orgone Section: Death, Drag, Erotica, Nudism, Plague, Wilhelm Reich, Sex, etc.
Parallax Section: Black Panthers, Genocide, JFK, Masonic, Red Army Faction etc.
Research & Development Section: Charles Fort, Paranormal, Tesla, UFOs, etc.
Scratch 'n Sniff Section: Carney, Hot Rods, Last Prom, Manga, Pin-Ups, Punk, Skins, 3-D etc.
Sensory Deprivation: Art Brut, Cocteau, Dada, Surrealism, Szukalski, Warhol, John Waters etc.
Sleaze Section: Black Starlet, Censorship, Dino, Michael Jackson, William Shatner etc.
Tactics Section: Bombs, C-4, Martial Arts, Revenge, Self-Defense, Weaponry etc.
Title Index, Contributors, Publishers, etc.
Quotes About the Book:
"The benchmark sourcebook on deviant literature." --- Vanity Fair Magazine.
"The index of all that we hold obscure, perverse and dear." --- Esquire Magazine.
"A reading list from Hell that is a must for any serious oddball bibliophile." --- John Waters (film-maker)
"An impressive collection, absolutely definitive in many ways - one can almost say that there's no need to read anything that isn't in this catalog." --- J.G. Ballard (author of 'Crash')
"You think you're postmodern. You give to your local National Public Radio station. You write letters on behalf of prisoners of conscience. Jesse Helms makes your knee go into involuntary spasms. You are primed for First Amendment battles and believe you stand squarely on the side of the purists. Until you start to leaf through the Amok Fourth Dispatch." --- Publisher's Weekly
The previous sourcebook, the Amok Fourth Dispatch, became a must-read underground sensation and went on to sell over 50,000 copies.
Amok Books, 1999 Edition - Huge 561 Page Paperback - Heavily Illustrated in B&W - - **Some ADULT CONTENT** - Price: $15.00
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